Thursday, March 9, 2017

Praying For The Snow to Stop

Things are pretty good here, work has slowed down just a little bit. But whenever that happens it just means there's a bunch of miracles about to come.

I'm not sure if you remember but in my first area we had an investigator who we worked with a ton. She was really awesome and I was sad to leave her. And I guess that the sisters who came after us decided to drop her for some reason and I hadn't heard about her until recently this Friday. Now there are different sisters there that picked her up again and she got baptized this last Saturday with her granddaughter! It was really cool because I got to go back to her apartment on Friday with Elder Villanueva because he's DL and it was such an awesome experience to see her again and talk with her. Especially since I can understand a little more of what she says now.

But ya everything is pretty awesome here, just trying to find some investigators to teach and praying that the snow will finally stop!

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