Saturday, January 7, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We had a dance with the Branch for New Years Eve. Although we only stayed
for an hour to see if investigators showed up, it was pretty dead while we were there but apparently around 10 there was like 250 people or so. 

We had cow guts again for dinner for New Years and it's actually really cool.

This week a lot of our goals have been aimed specifically at focusing on those who are prepared, I think something I had a hard time with starting off. At times I just don't want to quite give up on some people but I've realize the greater blessing in focusing in on those who are ready now. We can always continue to prepare others but almost all of our energy should be solely focused on those whom the Lord has prepared for us today. As it says in 1 Corinthians 1:25 "The foolishness of God is wiser than man" 

God has a plan prepared for everyone to receive the Gospel in the best way possible, all we can do is what he asks to set it up. As long as we recognize our role as his instruments then they will have the experiences required for that perfect situation to come to pass. And then to receive all of the blessings God has prepared for them. Our own wisdom can never truly bring a soul unto Christ, but trusting in and carrying our faithfully the will of God with diligence and patience will bring about the miracles we are looking for.

I'm loving the work so far, at times I wish we saw more success but I have a testimony in the huge plans the Lord has for this area and people living here.

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